Sanding and Refinishing

One of the big advantages of Solid Hardwood flooring is that Wood flooring can be restored And refinished many times over it’s life, recovering the beauty they once had. Restoring And refinishing your Hardwood floors can make a huge difference in their appearance, revealing a beautiful Hardwood Floor which helps create a beautiful home!

Starwood Flooring offers Hardwood Floor refinishing in Charlotte and surrounding area. . We offer free Estimates And Consultations A Service Provided to You at No Cost Our goal is to consider every situation on an individual basis.  We will evaluate your residential or commercial space and provide you with an accurate and competitive estimate for your flooring project.

  • Dull, too dark or too light?

If you have just moved to a new home and the finish is too dark or too light to your taste. When your Hardwood floors lose their sheen, our techniques will restore their appearance With a beautiful, smooth finish. Refinishing can be a solution for you.

  • Restoration.

 Wood floors can appear worn especially in high-traffic areas like entryways, halls And kitchens. If there’s scuffing, scratches, or visible wear, your Floor may benefit from our restoration process. You could also have to opportunity to change the finish to a darker or lighter shade.

  • Deep scratches or cracks? We can repair And concealmost flooring imperfections And completely remove severedamage.

  • Is it messy And time consuming? The refinishing processincludes sanding And scraping the floors down to thenatural Wood.  Our process keeps mess to a minimumon most projects. We can usually complete the projectin minimum time, letting you return to your normalschedule.

  • Longevity of your refinished flooring. While there are anumber of factors that affect the actual longevity of yourrefinished/restored flooring, you can expect it to lookbeautiful And smooth for many years. The less wear onyour floors, the longer the restoration will last.
